6.4. Testing

This section describe some basic steps to check if the Fedora Security Lab Test bench is properly setup and working.

6.4.1. Ansible

A simple test to check if Ansible is ready to work. Execute the command mentined below from the management system.

$ sudo ansible [IP address of the FSL Test bench] -m setup

If you get an authentication failure like the one shown below. | FAILED => FAILED: Authentication failed.

Means this that the SSH key is not present in the authorized_keys file of your future Fedora Security Lab Test bench.

From the managed node:

ssh root@[IP address of your management system] 'cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' | cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

From the management system:

$ sudo ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@[IP address of your managed note]

Assuming that you already have an SSH key on your server.

$ sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa

6.4.2. Logging

The system log (aka /var/log/messages) is viewable on the web interface of the Fedora Security Lab Test bench. To check if the web interface is working proberly, send a message to the logging system.

Open two terminals and connect over SSH with the Fedora Security Lab Test bench. In one terminal execute the command from below to display the lastest log entries:

$ sudo journalctl -f

In the second terminal, send a message:

$ logger This is a test entry. To test the FSL Test bench log viewer.

The entry from above should now be visible in your browser’s textarea of the System Log (http://[IP address of the FSL test bench]/log-system/) page.